giovedì 6 marzo 2014

Execution plan in SAP HANA

Do you have a slow query in Hana?
Do you want to improve the performances of a query?

First step is to retrieve the execution plan:

 DELETE FROM explain_plan_table WHERE statement_name = 'marco test nr 1';  
 DELETE FROM explain_plan_table WHERE statement_name = 'marco test nr 1';  
 select * from dummy; --put here your query!!!  
   to_number(output_size, 10, 2) as output_size,   
   to_number(subtree_cost, 10, 2) cost,   
 FROM explain_plan_table  
 WHERE statement_name = 'marco test nr 1'  
 order by operator_id;    

The output of the last select will look like this in your SAP HANA STUDIO:

In order to read the execution plan, I believe that the most important column is the "Operator Name". 
This is the column telling you how the DBMS is approaching the problem. 
Here you will see if it is doing something stupid. 
The question is: what is the meaning of the content of this column? Here is the set of possible values: 

Operator NameDescription
ROW SEARCHStarting position of row engine operators. OPERATOR_DETAILS lists projected columns.
LIMITOperator for limiting number of output rows
ORDER BYOperator for sorting output rows
HAVINGOperator for filtering with predicates on top of grouping and aggregation
GROUP BYOperator for grouping and aggregation
MERGE AGGREGATIONOperator for merging the results of multiple parallel grouping and aggregations
DISTINCTOperator for duplicate elimination
FILTEROperator for filtering with predicates
UNION ALLOperator for producing union-all of input relations
MATERIALIZED UNION ALLOperator for producing union-all of input relations with intermediate result materialization
BTREE INDEX JOINOperator for joining input relations through B-tree index searches. Join type suffix can be added. For example, B-tree index join for left outer join is shown as BTREE INDEX JOIN (LEFT OUTER). Join without join type suffix means inner join.
CPBTREE INDEX JOINOperator for joining input relations through CPB-tree index searches. Join type suffix can be added.
HASH JOINOperator for joining input relations through probing hash table built on the fly. Join type suffix can be added.
NESTED LOOP JOINOperator for joining input relations through nested looping. Join type suffix can be added.
MIXED INVERTED INDEX JOINOperator for joining an input relation of row store format with a column table without format conversion using an inverted index of the column table. Join type suffix can be added.
BTREE INDEX SEARCHTable access through B-tree index search
CPBTREE INDEX SEARCHTable access through CPB-tree index search
TABLE SCANTable access through scanning
AGGR TABLEOperator for aggregating base table directly
MONITOR SEARCHMonitoring view access through search
MONITOR SCANMonitoring view access through scanning

Source of information:

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