mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

Responsive picture resizer

You are building your website and you have a pretty heavy picture. You would like to have a picture which is small for small device and large for normal laptop.
I just did on my website, for my main picture:

(1014 x 490) to be used on laptop

(792 x 400) to be used on tablets

(300 x 253) to be used on mobile devices

How do you do that?
There is a great a very lightweight script fully supporting you (thanks to Koen Vendrik, please visit his website:

 // @name: Responsive-img.js  
 // @version: 1.1  
 // Copyright 2013-2014 Koen Vendrik,  
 // Licensed under the MIT license  
 function makeImagesResponsive() {  
   var e = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth,  
     t = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].getElementsByTagName("img");  
   if (t.length === 0) return;  
   var n;  
   t[0].hasAttribute ? n = function (e, t) {  
     return e.hasAttribute(t)  
   } : n = function (e, t) {  
     return e.getAttribute(t) !== null  
   var r = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio >= 1.2 ? 1 : 0 : 0;  
   for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {  
     var s = t[i],  
       o = r && n(s, "data-src2x") ? "data-src2x" : "data-src",  
       u = r && n(s, "data-src-base2x") ? "data-src-base2x" : "data-src-base";  
     if (!n(s, o)) continue;  
     var a = n(s, u) ? s.getAttribute(u) : "",  
       f = s.getAttribute(o),  
       l = f.split(",");  
     for (var c = 0; c < l.length; c++) {  
       var h = l[c].replace(":", "||").split("||"),  
         p = h[0],  
         d = h[1],  
         v, m;  
       if (p.indexOf("<") !== -1) {  
         v = p.split("<");  
         if (l[c - 1]) {  
           var g = l[c - 1].split(/:(.+)/),  
             y = g[0].split("<");  
           m = e <= v[1] && e > y[1]  
         } else m = e <= v[1]  
       } else {  
         v = p.split(">");  
         if (l[c + 1]) {  
           var b = l[c + 1].split(/:(.+)/),  
             w = b[0].split(">");  
           m = e >= v[1] && e < w[1]  
         } else m = e >= v[1]  
       } if (m) {  
         var E = d.indexOf("//") !== -1 ? 1 : 0,  
         E === 1 ? S = d : S = a + d;  
         s.src !== S && s.setAttribute("src", S);  
 if (window.addEventListener) {  
   window.addEventListener("load", makeImagesResponsive, !1);  
   window.addEventListener("resize", makeImagesResponsive, !1)  
 } else {  
   window.attachEvent("onload", makeImagesResponsive);  
   window.attachEvent("onresize", makeImagesResponsive)  

Here comes the HTML code:

 <!DOCTYPE html>  
 <html lang="en">  
      <img width="100%"  
       alt="Marco Andolfi"   
   <script src="js/responsive-img.js"></script>  

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